
Information Management

Information is one of the biggest assets to any organisation; customer or client information, reports, procedures and pricing structures, there are many things that are vital to the running of an organisation.

Information management can help an organisation stay efficient by knowing where that information is when it is needed and having the right people able to access it at the right time. Information management can enable you to more accurately risk assess your information and keep your organisation compliant with the law.

Shepard Consulting can come into your organisation, assess where you are with your Information Management and make recommendations as to how to improve. We can also assist your staff with making any necessary changes. To maintain efficient information management we can come back to do annual ‘health checks’.

Contact us for more information.


Data protection training for all staff coming into contact with personal data is recommended on an annual basis.

Training staff demonstrates to the Information Commissioner that your organisations takes data protection seriously and is actively taking steps to protect personal data.

Training staff also reduces the organisation risk associated with personal data.

Where data breaches have occurred, the Information Commissioners Office will take into account the training schedule of the staff involved.

Shepard Consulting can offer training solutions that suit your organisation, contact us for more information.